Funeral donation

By making a bereavement donation, you are sending a special signal and showing solidarity for children with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

In the event of bereavement, you have three options for donating:

1. note on the obituary

The deceased person or you as the bereaved can choose to support the Children’s Hospice Foundation instead of donating flowers. In order to fulfil your request, please proceed as follows:

a) Determine the intended use.

b) Inform us of the name of the deceased person and the address of the bereaved family by e-mail or telephone.

c) Indicate our donation account and IBAN number in the obituary as shown in the following example:

“In lieu of flowers, please remember the deceased with a donation to the Swiss Children’s Hospice Foundation. Donation account PC 85-358174-5 , IBAN: CH90 0900 0000 8535 8174 5 , Note: Max Muster”


“In memory of the deceased, please support the Swiss Children’s Hospice Foundation. Donation account PC 85-358174-5 , IBAN: CH90 0900 0000 8535 8174 5 , Note: Max Muster “

2nd donation in memory

Make a donation in the name of the deceased person. You have two options:

a) Transfer your condolence donation via payment slip or bank transfer. Add the first name and surname of the deceased person to the purpose of payment.

b) Donate directly online. You can enter the name of the deceased person in the comments field.

3. collection at the funeral

Would you like to support the Swiss Children’s Hospice Foundation with a collection at the funeral service? Discuss your wishes with the priest. After the funeral, the church administration can transfer the collected amount to our donation account PC 85-358174-5 with the note of the death and the address of the bereaved family. So we have the opportunity to thank the donation.

Message field/payment purpose:
Death of Max Muster, 8000 Zurich
Funeral address: Rea Muster, Musterstrasse 17, 6000 Lucerne