Charity run

Walking for short lives

According to a recent study by the BAG, there are around 10,000 children and adolescents in Switzerland who require paediatric palliative care. This figure is significantly higher than previously thought.

Rainer Züst wants to support families with children with life-limiting illnesses. That is why he is walking 1,600 kilometres for our Flamingo Children’s Hospice – the first children’s hospice in the greater Zurich area.

From Thursday 28 March 2024, he will be running with his partner from the Zurich Oberland to Cornwall, England. Also travelling with him is therapy dog Leo. They will be travelling for almost three months. The donations generated during the run will benefit our “Flamingo” project – we are grateful for this valuable support.

Updates, a motivational video and more information can be found here!

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gewerbeverein Aathal-Seegräben und der Raiffeisenbank Zürcher Oberland wurde kürzlich das Crowdfunding lanciert. Hier werden Beträge bis CHF 50.- gleich noch verdoppeln – damit wird ihre Spende noch wertvoller!

Article in the Zürcher Oberländer from 28.03.2024: “Seegräbner hikes 1600 kilometres for a good cause” Press article.

28.03.2024: Radio Zürisee: „Wandern für den guten Zweck“ & „Spendenwanderung